Cadet / Junior
Based on Sport Irelands research on Children and Sport it has identified that by the end of year two in secondary schools there is a large gender gap in sports participation. The disparity is overwhelmingly caused by girls dropping out from team sport. It has recognised that by Providing a variety of sporting activities maximizes sports participation within our community and School system.
Individuals who don’t enjoy the pressure of team sports can flourish in an individual setting and studies show females are less likely to drop out from individual sports. Many studies have demonstrated the link between being physically active and higher levels of well-being in adolescents,
Over the past 5 years Fencing Ireland are happy to promote and support the increase of participation of young children and young adults among our clubs across Ireland. Not only do we encourage good sportsmanship and community involvement around our clubs but we provide coaching and training that meets the highest standards of excellence that will foster the development of fencers as people, athletes, and high performance competitors.
Fencers who are under the age of 17 on 1st January in the calendar year.
Fencers who are under the age of 20 on 1st January in the calendar year.
Fencing Ireland's Cadets and Juniors calendar of events/competitions can be viewed in our Calendar page.
To qualify to take part in any of our competitions you must be over 13 years, and have a current relevant Fencing License - Log in
In conjunction with Pembroke Fencing Club, Fencing Ireland run an Achievement Awards Scheme as the coaching model for our beginner-intermediate level fencers.
There are 9 levels of accreditation for each fencer to attain, starting with level 1 the most basic, to level 9 which is very advanced. The assessment of each fencer who wishes to take part will occur on a set date, and recognised coaches will carry out each assessment and award a pass where appropriate.
We have targeted a general progression for each fencer of 2 levels per year from beginner up.
The benefits of the scheme are:
- Challenging Award Scheme
- Sustains interest
- Monitors progress
9 Awards for children 12+ and 6 awards for children U12
Tracksuit badge and certificate for each award.
It also ensures that each fencing skill as determined by the PFC will be taught to our junior fencers.
It is necessary for students to have learned the relevant skills for each level with one of our coaches before they sit their assessment. Our coaches will be taking the time to teach the required skills to all who apply in the weeks before the assessment day. It will also be a requirement to have a good knowledge of the related notes in the described section of each level. Notes for each level please attached.
There will be a charge for each assessment and the successful fencer will be awarded a Certificate and woven tracksuit badge.
We would ask that anyone interested in participating to make contact with Pembroke Fencing Club -